Community Service Programs

For  more information from GFWC International, check out the GFWC Club Manual.

There are five major Community Service Program areas as outlined by GFWC International.  They are listed below along with the GFWC-WI chairwomen and possible ideas.

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Arts and Culture -  Carole Brinkman   

All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.

Latest Newsletter from GFWC International Chairwoman

Civic Engagement and Outreach - Michelle Black

All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.

Lastest Newsletter from GFWC International Chairwoman

Operation Smile

“Every three minutes, a child is born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate. 

A donation of $240 helps provide surgery for waiting children.  Your donation can give a child a new smile and a life filled with possibilities.”  Another way to get involved is to order a kit for your club.  A kit includes patterns for both the gown and the No-No Armband.  Also ask for the DVD featuring Roma Downey.  It would be a wonderful heartwarming addition to your meeting.   Many clubs collect items for the Smile Bags.  Details are in a kit.

Operation Smile Service Project Ideas, click here.

Operation Smile Service Toolkit, click here.

Victoria Rusu-Ebert at

“One child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could be prevented from with a vaccine. Why? Because one in five children lacks access to the life-saving immunizations that keep children healthy.”

Protect 5 children against polio for as little as $5.  Donations are needed and your club may wish to participate in letter-writing campaigns, attending public meetings, and even holding information sessions with elected officials to advocate on the importance of life-saving vaccines for children in developing countries.  Educate your clubwomen about life-saving immunizations.

Race to Erase Information - Campaign to support global vaccination efforts.

Rebecca Maxie at   

“Every night, one in eight people in the world goes to bed hungry.  At the heart of the solution are smallholder-farming families…and women.”

Request a GFWC Program Kit: “12 Stones” DVD, brochures and Heifer Gift Catalogs, and animal button pins.  The DVD is about 20 minutes and makes for a wonderful meeting program; it’s a beautifully done documentary of our work that was filmed about our work with women farmers in Nepal. We are currently holding an online fundraising campaign for GFWC to help rebuild our work in Nepal during the aftermath of the earthquakes (click here for more information).

Asmi Patel at

For more than six decades, GFWC has supported UNICEF, the United States Fund, in its efforts to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children have access to health and immunizations, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency and disaster relief and more.

Request the “End Child Trafficking” flier for your club.  Donate (click here for donation flyer) to support the continuation of the End Trafficking project.  Learn how to spot the signs of trafficking. Download the End Trafficking postcard at trafficking.  Use End Trafficking resources to educate and mobilize. They are free to download on the U.S. Fund for UNICEF website.  Hold a screening of Not My Life.  Facilitate a discussion afterward about ways to take action. Email to learn how you can get a copy of the film and discussion guide.  Make your meetings Fair Trade!  Visit to identify fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, and other products you can serve that are made without child or slave labor.  Advocate! Visit advocate/end-child-trafficking.

Mansi Mehta at

Ideas for Celebrating Women’s Equality Day - August 26, 2020

Skit for Women’s Equality Day

Education and LibrariesSue Sands

All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.


Environment - Gloria Lansin

All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.

Trees for Tomorrow is a non-profit natural resources accredited specialty school whose mission is to deliver balanced, objective information on the management and use of trees, forests, and our natural resources.  They educate and promote the skills needed by our youth and older citizens to support the renewal of our natural resources for future generations.  GFWC-WI is a partner and supporter of "Trees".

Our focus for the 2018-20 administration will be to raise money to provide scholarships and to provide a plaque to commemorate their 75th Anniversary which will be celebrated in 2019.  Our goal is to have each club and District pledge $75 or every member give 75 cents.  This would allow us to achieve both goals.

The first collection will be taken at the September workshop, so have your coins ready.  Let's get started on our Platinum Jubilee fundraiser!

Katie Theisen, District Silviculturist on the Eagle River-Florence Ranger District of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, presented the fascinating history of George Washington Memorial Forest at the Fall Workshop.

Health and Wellness - Joyce Schaefer

All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.

Latest Newsletter from GFWC International Chairwoman

Here are some suggested GFWC Affliate Organizations:

Other suggested programs :

For a listing of all the Community Service Affiliate Organizations, click here.