Arts & Culture Community Service Program
Heather Sturtevant, Chairwoman
All the programs are described in this PDF. Click here.
Latest Newsletter from GFWC International Chairwoman
Suzanne Fox Honorary Chairman Jr.’s Special Program Health & Wellness
Helen Farnsworth Mears Art Contest - Shirley Brabender Mattox, Chairwoman
Implemented at the GFWC-WI club, district, and state levels, this annual juried art contest for 7th and 8th grade public, private, and home-schooled students is unique to GFWC-WI. The contest was begun in 1927 to honor the memory of this great Oshkosh born sculptor to encourage artistic talent, and to recognized the achievement of student artists.
Helen Farnsworth Mears Contest Rules & Forms
Rules & Guidelines 2024-2026
Sample News Release 2024-2026
Member Arts & Crafts Contest-Alice Kranig, Chairwoman
Inventory List Page 1, Inventory Page 2 (if needed) - At the State Convention, every entry (art, photo, or special contest entry) needs an inventory list filled out including who is dropping off and picking up the entries. Only one (1) inventory list is needed if multiple entries are being dropped off and picked up by the same person(s).
Members Arts & Crafts Entry Form
2024 Members Arts & Crafts Winners.
2024 Members Photography Contest Winners. State Level ONLY
If you did not receive your ribbon from the May 2024 GFWC-WI Convention please contact Vickie, 7 ribbons were found during clean-up.
List of 2023 GFWC-WI Members Arts & Crafts & Photography Contest Winners
Member Photography Contest - Alice Kranig, Chairwoman
GFWC Creative Arts Waiver
GFWC Photography Contest Guidelines and Creative Waiver Form
💥Each Photography entry must have an Entry Form and a Creative Waiver Form.💥
2022 Art Contest Entries
2022 Art Contest Entries 〰️

Member Short Story and Poetry Contest - Linda Brown - Chairwoman
Member Short Story and Poetry contests are open to any dues paying club member of GFWC-WI who creatively write as a hobby and makes less than $500.00 annually on manuscripts.
Every member of GFWC-WI is encouraged to submit a short story and/or poem directly to the Wisconsin State Writing Contest Chair. There is no need to have a club or district contest. Submissions go directly to the state. The entries will be judged and the winner in each category is submitted to the International GFWC Writing Contest Chairman for competition. GFWC-WI will submit one poem and one story to GFWC. Entries are due by the middle of February (see specific date in the Contest instructions) and can either be mailed via USPS to the State Contest Chair. The stories and poems must have been written in the year before you submit them. Only one entry per member per category is allowed.
GFWC-Wisconsin 2024-2026 Writing Contests
MUST READ: Additional Information regarding the Short Story and Poetry Contests
All entries must include a signed GFWC Creative Arts Waiver found on the last page of the contest instructions!
Youth Short Story and Poetry Contest - Linda Brown, Chairwoman
The Short Story and Poetry contests are open to youth in grades K-12 who creatively write as a hobby and make less than $500.00 annually on manuscripts.
All GFWC-WI member clubs are invited to sponsor a youth writing contest in their area. The club can do it by contacting schools (public, private, online, home) in the club’s area or by simply publishing the contest in the local paper. Each club should then send in the winner in each category/age group to the State Contest Chair, Diane Zickert. There is no need for a district competition. There could be up to 8 submissions from each club. Submissions must be made by the middle of February (see specific date in the Contest instructions) and can be mailed via USPS to the State Contest Chair. The stories and poems must have been written in the year before they are submitted. Only one entry per child per category is allowed.
Every entry must have a signed GFWC Creative Arts Waiver included as found on the last page of the Contest instructions!