Women’s History and Resource Center (WHRC)
Kristina Higbee - State Chairwoman
Women’s History and Resource Center collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of the GFWC and women volunteers.
Founded in 1984, the GFWC Women's History and Resource Center collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of the GFWC and women volunteers.The WHRC documents the social and political contributions of GFWC clubwomen from 1890 to the present through the GFWC archives, related special collections, and publications. We also maintain a reference library collection focused on women’s history, the woman’s club movement, and the history of volunteerism.
Clubs are encouraged to start, to update or to complete their club's history. To get started, "A Guide for Preserving and Writing Club History" and "A Guild for Recording Oral History" are available for down load here.
While at the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center page, be sure to check out the GFWC-WI Past President's Oral Histories.
To access these oral histories:
1. Click on View the WHRC online link
2. Type in "WHRC Oral History" Wisconsin
3. Click on a past president's photo and you will see how she looked during her term of office.
4. GFWC International Handbook Woman’s History & Resource Center
Latest Newsletter from GFWC International Chairwoman
1734 Society
To read A History of GFWC Headquarters, 1734 N Street NW, Washington, D.C. click here
1734 Society
Kristina Higbee - State Chairwoman
The 1734 Society is named for the GFWC International Headquarters address, 1734 N Street, NW., Washington, DC. The building is filled with items donated by GFWC clubs and state federations. It is a reflection of the dedication and devotion of GFWC members through the years. In addition to housing the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center, Headquarters contains the offices of the professional staff and provides a home to the International President during her term of office.
Guided tours of Headquarters are available Monday through Friday during normal business hours by appointment. A virtual tour of GFWC Headquarters is available by visiting GFWC’s web site at www.gfwc.org
Tax-deductible donations should be designated for and sent to 1734 Society, GFWC Headquarters, 1734 N Street, NW., Washington, DC 20036. Annual contributions in the amounts of $17.34, $173.40 or $1734.00 or more will entitle the donor specific levels of membership in the 1734 Society. The annual deadline for receipt of contributions to the 1734 Society will be December 31st to qualify for recognition.