Committees & Special Assignments


State Chairwoman
Erin Epping, State Chairwoman

Budget Committee 2024-2026 Goals

The Budget Committee will begin the budgeting process in summer 2025 and will present a preliminary budget at the Winter Workshop 2026 and will seek final approval at the 2026 State Convention.  We will use the existing budget and actual income and expenses data to create the next administration’s budget.

Committee Members  
Missy Kimball, Tammy Welter, Shelly Isely & Mary Meek

Amendments and Policies

Marianne Potter, State Chairwoman

Committee Members  
Erin Epping, Carolyn Mitchell, Deb Brossard, & Paula Schlice

  • GFWC-WI Articles of Incorporation

  • GFWC-WI Bylaws

  • GFWC-WI Policies

  • GFWC-WI Junior Bylaws

  • GFWC-WI Junior Policies

All of this information can be found on the “Members” page under “2024 - 2026 State Handbook”

Convention and Meetings

Mary Kaye Ernest, State Chairwoman

President’s Special Assistant
Dorothy Protz

Financial Review Committee

State Chairwoman  
Committee Members TBD


Mary Meek, State Chairwoman

Committee Members  
Erin Epping (1st VP), Tammy Welter (Treasurer), Linda Brown (President), Nancy Dickman(Past President)

Please refer to "For Members only" to read the Investment Guidance Document


Julie Saether, State Chairwoman  

Committee Members
Michelle Black, Alexandria Lerch-Gaggl, Kim Bruns plus two more members from the general membership.

The GFWC-WI Nominating Committee has an important role because we work to find a slate of officers for the 2026-2028 term.  The committee has been elected and consists of five members, three from the Board of Directors and two from the general membership.   The work of this committee begins in January or February 2025 when we will start to find candidates so we can present a full slate of officers by January 2026, who will be elected at the GFWC-WI Convention in May 2026. There will be articles in the GFWC-WI Clubwoman about the search for candidates. If you are interested in finding out more information about the offices and what is required to be a candidate, please reach out to myself ( or any of the other committee members. 


Kim Bruns, State Chairwoman

Committee Members
Nancy Niedziela, Erin Epping, Paula Schlice, Gloria Lansin

Parliamentary Advisor/Protocol Chair

Paula Schlice


Barbara Pontow & TBD

Strategic Planning

Erin Epping, State Chairwoman

Strategic Planning 2024-2026 Goals

The Strategic Planning Committee begins the planning process in fall 2025 for the next administration.  The current Strategic Plan will be evaluated and updated based on the challenges and opportunities of the organization.  The preliminary plan for the next administration will be presented at the Winter Workshop 2026 and will seek final approval at the 2026 State Convention.

Committee Members  
Carolyn Mitchell, Shelly Isely, Missy Kimball