January 2020 - MLK Day of Service
November 2019
October 2019
GFWC GREENFIELD Woman’s Club Collected Sheets, towels, socks, underwear, adult and children's clothing, suitcases, back packs, shampoo, bodywash,soaps, hats, gloves, toiletries etc...for the SDC Family support center on Mitchell st. in Milwaukee. They also raised over $200 for sojourner’s family peace Center.
For Immediate Release
October 2, 2019
Restrooms rescued!
The long standing supportive relationship continues between the GFWC Rhinelander Woman's Club and the Rhinelander District Library Foundation.
This past summer Carla Chropkowski, President of the Rhinelander District Library Foundation reached out to the Woman's Club in the form of a letter of request for capital funds to complete the renovation of the library's restrooms. Several years ago funds were raised to solve restroom plumbing issues, but now the restrooms required a complete overhaul. Members of the finance committee of GFWC Rhinelander Woman's Club reviewed the written request and made a recommendation to its membership to support the overhaul with a $10,000 donation. The funding was approved unanimously at the Club's first meeting of the new year on September 10th.
A check presentation was made on Tuesday, October 1.
Front row and holding the check from left to right is: Carla Chropkowski, RDLF President and Cindy Goll, GFWC Rhinelander Woman's Club President. Back row left to right representing the Rhinelander District Library Foundation: Virginia Roberts, Rhinelander District Library Director; Susy Rein, RDLF Treasurer; and Gale Willcox, RDLF Secretary. Representing the General Federation of Women's Clubs Rhinelander Woman's Club: Connie Griesbach, Barb Oestreicher and Lucy Palm.
Over the Club's 121-year Rhinelander history supporting the library was always one of its "favorite" projects.
From the Club's historic archives a book reception was held at the home of A. W. Brown (Clara Brown is Rhinelander Woman’s Club first president) on Wed., March 2, 1898. "In spite of the stormy evening over a hundred people were present and donated 120 books and $8 in money." Five years after a Library Board was formed by the City, philanthropist Andrew Carnegie was contacted and Carnegie offered $12,500 for a new library building with a condition of a donated site and a pledge of 10% of the monetary gift. The Brown Bros. Lumber Company offered the site on the corner of Stevens and Rives and the Woman’s Club pledged the necessary $1500.
That was the beginning and since then the Club has supported the library by funding books, film strips, a copier and more. In 1985 the Club donated nearly $12,000 for a lower level meeting room, a new piano and sponsored a Library Tea for visiting dignitaries and interested public. Through the years the Club financially supported the Bookmobile. Over the past 10-15 years, the Club financially supports the Library Children’s Department with funds for summer programming and supports the cost of books and kits for community book clubs. An annual tea party for children is held every summer which is coordinated by the Library staff and members of the Woman's Club.
This year, in addition to the $10,000 donated toward the restrooms, the Club donated $3,500 for the 2020 Summer Reading Program, the young adult career and college preparation materials, updating the science and nature collection and the senior outreach, Books On The Go.
An interesting restroom tie-in to the club's past: In the 1920s the Club opened a “comfort station” for women on Brown Street, called “Oneida County Women’s Rest Rooms”. Financial upkeep was shared by the county and City of Rhinelander. During 1929 it had nearly 17,000 visitors; this is known because individuals were asked to sign in at the entrance. In 1962 the room had to move to a new location. After 68 years of community support, the Rest Room closed its doors on August 12, 1988.
Today the GFWC Rhinelander Woman's Club has 82 members. The Club is part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs headquartered in Washington D.C. There are clubs throughout Wisconsin and in all 50 states and more than 12 countries. Its mission is dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. For more information, contact President Cindy Goll, (715) 369-1972."